The Voice of Pity for South America, 1859

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Patagonian or South American Missionary Society
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London: Wertheim & Macintosh, 24, Parternoster Row and 23 Halles Street, Cavendish Square. Edinburgh: W. P. Kennedy. Glasgow: D. Bryce. Dublin: G. H. Herbert. Bristol: I. E. Chillcott. Clifton: B. P. Shepherd. Nottingham: Dunn and son
Faltan 10 páginas al final del documento (ausentes en el original).
Aborigines of the Amazon (river) , estación de Cranmer (Keppel) , Theophilus Schmid , Casimiro , Early Labours of the Jesuits in South America (jesuitas) , Tekenika / Tekeenika (bahía en país yagan) / Kenenik hain (temporal viento del "Oeste" en lengua chon) / Kenenik chen (traslado desde el "Oeste" en chon) , Peruvian Indians , Casimiro (representante chon) , Coyla / Choila / Kaile (representante chon) , Watchy / Watchee / Guaichi (representante chon) , Limay / Rio Negro , Schyte / Schythe, Jorge Cristian (gobernador de la colonia de Magallanes) , cabo Negro / cape Negro , Vancouver's Island , Woollya / Woollyah / Wulaia , Gui-cooroos / guaicurús / guaykuru , Punta Arenas / Sandy Point , Centurion (representante chon) , Wissale / Huisel / Wisel (representante chon) , Camilo (representante chon, hijo de Centurion) , Schow-loo-a / Orundelicone / Jemmy Button , Wammestriggins, alias "Threeboys" , Passawullacuds, alias Fuegia , Annasplonis, alias Antony Button (yagan) , Goolooana / Wuluana (mujer yagan) , dialecto yagan de la isla Picton , Pictonians (yaganes de la comarca de Picton) , Pallillowa / Englishmen , English and Fireland [Yagan] Vocabulary , Ookok / Ookokko-aye / Ookokowenché / Ookokko / Ukoko (representante yagan) , Vocabulary of Tekeenica / Tekeenika Words , too-waggedah / dead (yagan language) , Maccoo-allan / Macuallan (representante yagan) , Wending-gy-appa (representante yagan, asociada a Macuallan) , Maccool-wence (representante yagan) , Watch-winna (representante yagan, asociada a Maccool-wence) , Shwymuggins (representante yagan) , Wy-ruggel-keepa (representante yagan, asociada a Shwymuggins) , Ky-atte-gatte-mowl-keepa (bebé yagan, hija de Wy-ruggel) , Lucca-wenché / Lucca-enché / Luccaenché